Monday, 26 September 2011

Vampire Weekend - Oxford comma Music Video Research

I think that this video also in a way illustrates the meaning of the song, because the song is talking about why does something as little and unimportant as an oxford comma really matter? The lack of editing used throughout the video and the fact that its just one long shot maybe represents lack of punctuation used, and this is because they are trying to convey through the song and the video that punctuation doesn't really matter. Another thing i think that they are trying to say through the song is why complicate things with grammar and such, which also implies why complicate a relationship with small things like that, which i think is why the video is simple to show that he is trying to say he wants everything to be simple. When he says "i haven't got the words for you" the people with the cameras and such go away which illustrates what he is saying. Another meaning of the song could translate as him asking why do people try to be perfect and all the same when everyone is fine being different anyways, this is portrayed when he says "i met the highest lama, his accent sounded fine to me" and also when he says "check your handbook, its no trick, take the chapstick, put it on your lips" and this is illustrated in the video when we see different people sat around and to him, they are all fine doing what they're doing. This idea of everyone wanting to be the same is illustrated again when he plays guitar walking past 4 men dressed exactly the same and playing the same guitar as him, and they even mimic what he is doing. When he sings "check your passport" he walks over to a table where there is an official looking man, who he hands his passport to, this illustrated the lyrics in a simple way which again conveys the meaning of the song. The fact that he is wearing a plain white suit also represents the meaning of the song to be simple and gives us the impression that he didn't want to complicate things.

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